Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Dear Friend,

I found something that I think you will like. The company's name is YouData (youdata.com). They are trying to convince consumers like us that we should be the ones controlling our own data and selling our own attention, not third parties like broadcasters, newspapers, and spammers. By creating a MeFile at YouData.com, I now control what ads I see and when I see them. Best part - I am selling my attention directly to interested advertisers, for real money. That's right, I get paid for giving them my attention. I can use the funds to buy music and video online, donate to charities, give to my favorite blogs and websites, or keep the change myself and do whatever I want with it.

It's real. They pay. You should check it out.

Click this link to sign up. My MeFile ID, mfilas76, in the "Referral Code" will tell them I sent you.


Take care,

Is it easy?

No? Can you do it - yes! It's time consuming, and frankly - hard to figure out! I have been working on "making money" online for about 2 years now. I don't have the time to do it full time....and barely enough time to do it part time. With a family of 5, and working my full time job - only to make ends meet...I started looking for ways to supplement my income. I supplement through paid to click, surveys...points systems. I bought almost all of my Christmas presents this year through points systems....which I thought was pretty amazing!!! Please feel free to check out some of the sites that I use, and marketing systems.

I am sure that there is an easier way out there, but I have found SO MANY scams - that I continue to do it the hard way! Please feel free to comment - and if you have some that I do not that work for you - please let me know!

Thanks for viewing!